الأربعاء، 19 أكتوبر 2016

كيف تربح 2000$ شهريا مع كتاب الربح الاكيد من جوجل ادسنس Google Adsense Program

كتاب البداية مع ادسنس مجاناً بدعم من مدرسة ادسنس كتاب البداية مع ادسنس برعاية مدرسة أدسنس هذا الكتاب دليل لكل مبتدىء فى عالم الربح من الانترنت وأيضا مرجع لكل محترف وناشر معتمد من جوجل ادسنس يتضمن هذا الكتاب فكرة ادسنس و طرق الربح من جوجل ادسنس من البداية الى الاحتراف , وستتعرف من خلال كتاب البداية مع ادسنس على خطط واستراتيجيات الربح من ادسنس وطرق اشهار المواقع والمدونات وتهيئتها لمحركات البحث حتى تحصل على أفضل أرشفة لموضوعاتك مما يزيد عدد زوار موقعك او مدونتك وبالتالى يزيد معها حجم ارباحك من برنامج جوجل ادسنس

رابط تحميل الكتاب 

الجمعة، 14 أكتوبر 2016

مطلوب مسوقين اليكتروني للعمل من المنزل Work From Home

- مطلوب مسوقين اليكتروني للعمل من المنزل فى جميع انحاء الجمهوريه لديهم خبرة 

في التعامل مع مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ولا يشترط التفرغ حتى لو فى الدراسه ولا 

يشترط المؤهل السن من 21-35 سنه .

- الراتب 2000 جنيه شهريا واحنا بنتابع معاك ونساعدك في تحقيقه 

( التدريب مجانا لفترة محدودة )

نرجو الاهتمام والجدية في العمل 

لمزيد من التفاصيل ووسيلة الاتصال

الجمعة، 7 نوفمبر 2014

7 Tips for a successful business loan

The economy is starting to heal and small business owners are readying to get back into business. This includes borrowing money so they can successfully start, buy or grow their business. This article offers 7 tips to use when making your application for your next business loan and get a “yes” rather than a “no.”

Money tends to rate high up on the list of needs for people planning on starting or moving into business ownership. Here’s 7 tips if you need start up financing for your business.

1. Clearly identify how much you have available. 

The best place to start is yourself. If you have some capital available to invest in a business this is a great start as other parties you approach will take you more seriously. They will take you more seriously as they want to see that you have “skin in the game.” Once your position is clear, family and
   friends are the next to approach. If you say they have money make sure it truly is available. There is nothing more frustrating than approaching professional lenders with your well thought out business plan showing a clear financial plan that includes a partial capital injection from family and or friends. The lender then approves their loan subject to the other parties contributing but then everyone finds out the family and or friends have changed their mind and al the planning by all parties has been a waste of time.

2. Identify what you need. 

How much capital do you need and why? Is it to buy equipment, buy inventory, pay a franchise fee, downpayment on a business or cash to fund the business operation? There are different types of lenders for different types of loans. Get the “why” worked out quickly so you can find the right lender to approach.

3. Research your options.

There are different lenders that focus in different areas of the market. The obvious place to start is your local bank or credit union. Hopefully you have a good enough relationship to speak to the business development officer at your branch or be referred to this person. If this position doesn’t exist, ask to speak with the manager. If your bank can’t help, ask for a referral to a lender that can but make sure it’s clear why you need the loan so you are introduced to the right lender. If you’re still looking for options, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has a wealth of knowledge. Search online at www.sba.gov. If you still need options, search the internet but focus on keywords that are specific to the loan you need. For example, if you need a loan for cash flow and have accounts receivable to use as collateral, use “accounts receivable loan” as your key words and you will come across lenders that provide factoring. Once you find some companies that can help, make sure you are comfortable working with them and research the full costs and terms of the loans.

4. Support your loan application.

Wanting the money for your business won’t be enough. Proving you need the
   money won’t be enough. A quality lender will want to see a business plan explaining how the loan will be used, a resume detailing ownership experience (and therefore the ability to repay the loan), education, credit history and most important of all in today’s economy, the appropriate management experience to run the business and therefore repay the loan. If you need help on how to write your business plan, look for the article I’ve written called “10 tips for your next business plan.”

Supporting your loan application also includes looking at your credit score and credit history. These two points are important. If your credit score is in poor shape and you can clearly explain why and the lender is comfortable with the explanation, they may approve your loan. For example, if you had an auto accident a few years ago that resulted in medical bills that are now under control, your poor credit score is explainable. Similarly, before applying for a loan get a copy of your credit report. Often there are mistakes on your credit report. Get these removed before applying for a loan so this problem is eliminated.

5. Build cash flow projections. 

Lenders eat and sleep cash flow projections. This is what they do for a living. The stronger your cash flow projection the greater your chances of success in getting the loan approved. If this is not your strength, get help from your accountant or someone who knows and understands cash flow projections.

6. Sell your need. 

Once you have the data built and ready to launch your loan application, practice your sales pitch. Don’t over embellish but be confident, know the ins and outs of why you need the loan and practice your response so you come off confident. The lenders aren’t looking for a sales pitch but they are looking to see that you believe and that if they need to escalate your loan request to higher management, you will present strongly and not have their judgment questioned.

7. Keep educating yourself.

As you work through each step of this process, ask questions. It’s amazing how options appear from places you least expect because you talk to a friend
   who knows someone at Rotary who specializes in these sorts of loans. Alternatively, they may not be able to help you with that loan but they can help strengthen you and your application so it gets approved…which is what this all about in the first place.

Obtaining a loan or finance for a business has been very difficult. Because the economy is stabilizing and government programs are beginning to have a
   positive effect, loans are available as long as you the borrower, present a professional business case.

الثلاثاء، 9 سبتمبر 2014

Top 5 Considerations Startup Business Loans

Top 5 Considerations Startup Business Loans

If you want to start your own company it will take a little money to get started and on your feet. Banks put many things into consideration when you ask them for money for startup business loans. Here are five of the most important considerations when you want money from a bank for a loan for your new company.

1.When you want to get money from a bank the first thing they will consider with startup business loans is your credit. You should have a healthy credit score that looks great. If your credit is bad it tells a lender that you do not repay your debts and this may stop you from getting a line of credit.

2.Experience is a big factor when you are hoping for startup business loans. You should have years of experience in the line of work you want to start your own business and you should be able to convince the bank you are the right person to open the company. A bank may think you have the best idea ever but if they do not think you are skilled enough for the company to generate revenue or to manage the business they will not lend you any money.

3.Assets are another factor that lenders want to see. When you are trying to secure startup business loans you should have some assets worth money that the bank can secure if they feel they need it. If you have nothing worth any value and you are asking for money to begin your own business you will probably be turned away. Banks want to see you are serious and when you secure assets with the money they know you are.

4.Gather some money down for the startup business loans. The best way to show a lender that you are serious about your new company is by having a healthy chunk of money as a down payment. When you have 20% to 25% down payment for your startup business a bank is more willing to talk to you. A good size down payment may even make a bank look past your bad credit.

5.If all of the factors above do not fall in your favor you might try and find someone who can co-sign a loan with you. A lender will want to know if you have someone who will back you that you are good for the money. This person will need to have good credit but they can be considered as a silent partner in your endeavors. In most cases a friend or family member is the best person to ask to cosign startup business loans.

If you are looking for money for startup business loans you should consider many things. A bank will want to know that you are financially in a good position, qualified to run the business, why the business will do well and many more things. Securing a loan is important but you may need a down 
payment, good credit, assets, or even a co-signer.

الاثنين، 1 أبريل 2013

فرص عمل متجددة في مصر ودول الخليج سجل سيرتك الذاتية الان

فرص عمل في مصر ودول الخليج


هــــــــــــــــااااااااااااااام جــــــــــــدا

 فرص عمل عظيمة للشباب للراغبين في الحصول علي وظائف أو الانتقال الي وظيفة أفضل داخل مصر أو خارجها 

الاشتراك مجانا و بدون اي رسوم للتوظيف عن طريق الموقع و عند رفع السيرة الذاتية كاملة تقوم الشركات الكبري و المتعددة الجنسيات و المتوافر لها فروع في مصر و باقي الدول العربية و بعض الدول الاجنبية الكبري بالاتصال به  لطلب عمل مقابلات معهInterview

و كما يمكن المتقدم للوظيفة من البحث عن الوظائف المتاحة في الموقع و التقدم لأي وظيفة مناسبة فورا و نتمني لكم التوفيق في الحصول علي فرص عمل 

إقرأ جيدا خطوات الاشتراك و التسجيل للحصول علي وظيفة مجانا و بدون اي رسوم

و هنا سوف نقوم بشرح كيفية التسجيل في الموقع و البحث من خلاله عن الوظائف التي توافق تخصصاتنا 

والموقع له مميزات كتير منها البحث السريع والسهل عن الوظائف المناسبه لنا
من خلال السيره الذاتيه 

فى 17 صفحه بالصور 

أولاً :www.bayt.com
وتابع الشرح بالصور
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt

طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt

طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
سوف يقوم الموقع بإرسال بريد إلكتروني لكم ,
و به إسم المستخدم و كلمة المرور الخاصو بكم, و بعدها سوف يطلب منكم كتابة البريد الكتروني
لإكمال عملية التسجيل

و بهذا , قد أتممنا بنجاح عملية التسجيل في الموقع...

الخطوة الثانية هي , كتابة السيرة الذاتية في الموقع
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt

طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt

طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt
طريقة التسجيل بموقع كوم) bayt

أرجوا من الجميع عدم التكاسل عن التسجيل فحقيقة هناك الآف الوظائف يوميا التى يتم شغرها عن طريق المسجلين بموقع التوظيف المذكور..
فدقائق قليلة فى التسجيل قد تفتح لك باب خير بإذن الله..

رابط التسجيل في الشركة

اضغط هنااااااااااااااااااا

وظائف خالية للخريجين بخبرة وبدون خبرة لجميع التخصصات في مصر والدول العربية

وظائف خالية للخريجين بخبرة وبدون خبرة لجميع التخصصات
في مصر والدول العربية 

فقط إبداء التسجيل بالموقع و كتابة بيانات سيرتك الذاتية  و مع مراعاة أن تكون 
مكتملة المعلومات حتى يظهر لك  اللون الأخضر و النسبة 70%
في هذه الحالة  يبدأ أصحاب العمل بالبحث عنك

 ملحوظة كلما أدخلت بيانات أكثر عنك تزيد من فرصة ظهورك !

 ستصلك تفاصيل بـالوظائف المتاحة على بريدك الإلكتروني و بالاتصال بك  
   مهما كان مؤهلك الدراسى و تخصصك او خبرتك ستجد حتما وظيفه مناسبه لك

شرح خطوات التسجيل فى الشركه بالصور

إنتهز الفرصه الان وسجل سيرتك الذاتيه مجانا

الأحد، 31 مارس 2013

مطلوب تلي سيلز للعمل من المنزل TELESALES JOB - WORK FROM HOME



Job: Telesales - Work from home
A fast growing company is looking for a team of a Work From home Telesales.
B2B cold calling: achieving targeted sales volumes while maintaining a healthy and profitable relationship with the clients.
• Minimum 1 year of experience in telesales or CS, architectural background is a plus.
• Fluent English in both written and spoken.
• Excellent communication and listening skills.
• Very good knowledge of Ms Office.
• Graduates/Undergraduates can apply.
• Self motivated and committed.
• Eager to learn.
• A polite, confident and friendly manner
• Well-organized and thorough
• Internet savvy
• Must have an excellent internet connection and a fairly modern computer or a laptop
• Ability to provide a quite environment to work from.
*** 4 hour shifts starting from 3 pm till 2 am.
- Competitive salary + rewarding commission system
- Healthy Environment
- Great multinational experience
Send your updated resume to jobs@at-3dmodeling.com with the subject (TFH-02)

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